Welcome to the thought-provoking realm of "Ten to Two," a captivating wall-mounted sculpture and painting that challenges conventional notions of consumerism and societal values. At the centerpiece of this striking artwork, a pair of sculpted lips boldly utters the phrase "please buy me," inviting viewers into a reflection on the pervasive influence of capitalism.
The canvas itself becomes a rich tapestry of meaning, as scattered fragments of newspaper articles, meticulously selected and arranged, delve into the complexities of our world. References to capitalism, war, and the economy intertwine, creating a visual narrative that prompts contemplation on the interconnectedness of these powerful forces.
With each glance, "Ten to Two" reveals new layers of symbolism and commentary, inviting viewers to confront the effects of consumer culture on our collective consciousness. It challenges us to question the value systems ingrained in our society and explore the delicate balance between materialism, desire, and the human experience.
Step into the immersive world of "Ten to Two," where sculpted lips and an evocative canvas intertwine to ignite conversations about capitalism, war, and the economy. Engage with this profound artwork as it invites you to critically examine the messages that surround us and reflect on the impact they have on our lives.